How will the lessons go on the platform (Basic plan)
1️⃣ You watch one episode;
2️⃣ Review a short fragment we have chosen for you;
3️⃣ Learn new vocabulary and grammar from the dialogue and do exercises on the platform;
4️⃣ Practice reading the dialogue out loud and record yourself on the platform, then receive feedback from Valerie.
5️⃣ Practice shadowing, and the bravest ones practice dubbing 😏
6️⃣ Record yourself on a voice recorder, listen and be happy that your pronunciation is 越来越好听 😍
How will the online lessons go (VIP plan)
1️⃣ Practice describing scenes from movies
2️⃣ Discuss the plot, characters or language used, share opinions
3️⃣ Practice dubbing
4️⃣ Valerie will give a detailed feedback on your pronunciation